Children are gifts, blessings from heaven. How absolutely blessed I am to have 4 of these fantastic creatures in my life. And even more lucky am I to have another one on the way. But getting there, to that sweet bundle of joy - at least for me - is less than joyful. And this is my outlet..........

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I Passed!!!!!!!!!!!

This is a happy joyful entry! Not much yuck at all. Because I passed my glucose test. I found out yesterday at my dr. appt. (Where I weighed 154 and the baby's heartbeat was in the 130's and my glucose number was 107 - I think it has to be below 120 to pass)I found more relevant pictures, but they all had blood in them, so I just put in a picture of a one touch which is what I used last time to check my blood
The one yucky thing about the blood glucose test is the drink they make you drink
Ugh. It is really hard to get down. I gave Peter a drop of it and he thought it tasted good. But he didn't have to drink ALL of it. It is just something I dread.
And I don't have to drink it again!!!!!!! YAY

Monday, November 15, 2010

Happiest Baby on the Block

Normally I write about icky stuff I am experiencing at the moment. But recently I have been thinking about icky stuff to come. Like colic. I have never really experienced a baby with colic. But my parents have gone on and on about how colicy I was, so I am guessing my number is just about up. One of the blogs I read highlighted this book:

I borrowed it from my library and I love it! It all seems very simple to follow. I got to hold a newborn today and even though she wasn't fussy at all, I held her close and kept her as bundled as I could without re-wrapping her. She stayed clam the entire time. Not that she would have broken out in a fit anyway, but it sure felt good to hold her close and know that at least one M.D. out there totally endorsed such an action.

The book is very easy to read. I am almost half way through it already. I am sure I will finish it before I even have to renew it.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Pain in my.....hip, Yeah, we'll go with that

Even when I was writing of morning sickness, I gave thought to writing about this pain in my lower left back hip. I didn't. But that is okay since I am still hurting there.
I have even tried going to my local chiropractor. She is a great chiropractor, but I am still hurting

and I have just about decided to abandon this method and try acupuncture, but I know how lazy I am when it comes to changing my routine. I just wish I could find some relief.

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Said morning sickness event in last post has been the last time I have thrown up. I am not really nauseous anymore, but every now and then I do still gag and I get really apprehensive, but I down a glass of ice water and it seems to be fine. Today I am 15 weeks and 4 days and it feels so nice not to feel horrible. I went to the doctor on Wednesday and got to hear the heartbeat.

Very healthy sounding. In about 2 1/2 weeks I will have an ultrasound. So far, Co Conspirator in Creating Morning Sickness has said he will be able to go with. That would be awesome!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Well, that's what I get

So on Tuesday when I got a phone call,
I happily announced I was feeling better now and had not thrown up in several days. I got off the phone and proceeded to immediately feel nauseous and run down. It didn't let up. In the evening, while preparing dinner, I opened a bottle of horseradish sauce and could not get the protective little seal off the opening of the bottle (you know, underneath the lid)
and after pulling it a few times, I decided to use my teeth. Wrong move. Totally sent me over the edge. Well, I haven't thrown up since then, but I cautiously tell people that I feel better so as not to jinx myself again

Friday, August 27, 2010

Buddy, can you Spare a dime? Nope, sorry. They are all in my mouth

During this pregnancy as well as others, I seem to have this awful taste in my mouth. I have resorted to brushing my teeth quite often. I have never been one that is manic about oral hygiene, but now I can't seem to brush them enough. I looked up "metallic taste during pregnancy" and it seems that I am not the only one. I also posted a comment on facebook about this problem and my cousin who has several children (5! in fact - she welcomed me to her club!) said it was the worst during her twin pregnancy. BabyCenter. com said that it is most likely due to an increase in hormones which completely correlates with my cousin saying that it was worse while she was carrying the twins.
Guess I'll just have to keep loading up on toothpaste as most sources I read said it goes away once baby comes. Another reason to want March 8 to come sooner

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I Was Right!!!!!

Plastic bags WILL save your car and water DOES make it better if you have just consumed about 8-16 ounces and you throw up right after you drop Result of Morning Sickness # 1 at seminary (at six am) and your breakfast consisted of water and a peanut butter covered celery stalk
(I have a sneaking suspicion it would have been SOOOOO much worse without the water) I guess I am being rather specific, but! my car was saved! Unfortunately I was driving the nicer car last time. But saving the car still is good, no matter what car it may be.Not that our Jeep has EVER looked this shiny.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Prego Brain Mania

Not all the side effects of pregnancy are awful yucky icky : some can actually be funny. Take prego brain for example. If I wasn't scatterbrained before, I most certainly am when I am pregnant. Now prego brain isn't always good - as in the case of when I threw up in the car. I also caused all of the swim team parents to look for an ice cream scoop at an ice cream party we had several weeks ago when the ice cream scoop was actually still at my house. But last night, the manifestation of my prego brain was actually funny. The family had decided to play one of our many versions of monopoly last night for Family Home Evening.

During one of my turns I asked for the dice.
But instead of asking for dice, I said "give me the sticks" I am not sure where that came from, but it caught on as the kids started calling the dice sticks as well.

Good ol' prego brain

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Sea Bands

a few weeks ago, Co Conspirator in Creating Morning Sickness (who is not pictured - maybe I should get a photo up) bought me several things he had researched that had been said to help nausea. One of them being Sea Bands

And they worked! For about 5 days. Now, is it worth buying something that costs $11 that works for only five days? I told my mom that it was worth $11 a day - maybe more - to not throw up. They stopped working soon, and I lost them. Then Result of Many Bouts of Morning Sickness # 1 told me that we were going to go to CVS and get some more Sea Bands to help me from feeling bad. We did. Probably a waste of money as they just don't work anymore. I am not sure why. I have thrown up at least twice with them on. Still, when I put them on, that pressure feels good. I have to wonder if it is because I have such skinny arms that they have lost their effectiveness. I am curious as to how the child size ones would help.

However, I am not sure how easy they are to find, as the CVS here only had the adult size. But aren't the colors just jazzy? It would be cool just to wear.

A plastic bag could save your life, well at least maybe your car

So today I was in the car going to my bank. Since I live in the boonies, my bank that I use for most everything is 17 miles away. I had deposited the check, went to the $ store and was on the return trip home ........ when................
I FELT it. I knew it was coming. BUT! I had a plastic bag. So, as I reused my plastic bag as no one wants to do, I somehow realized it was leaking. Fine, most wal-mart bags have holes in them. That was okay. I had ANOTHER plastic bag. Aren't I just so prepared like the good scouter that I am? As I lifted up the plastic bag and moved it over to the passenger seat to put it in the other plastic bag (definite prego brain moment there - I SHOULD have moved the other plastic bag to it), the Large hole that was apparently what was causing the leak allowed the contents to gush all over my car.


As I took a moment to contemplate what I should do, I realized I had just gone to Wendy's and should take the napkins out to clean up. All of the TWO napkins. I had to drive to the nearby Dairy Queen and ask the befuddled teenager at the window for napkins (Lots of them - yes, I had to tell her why) and go back around to ask for more and a bag to put them all in since all the plastic bags I had were being used.

When I got home, I asked Result of Many Bouts of Morning Sickness # 3 to put 5 plastic bags in each car.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Water, Water Everywhere

So drink it all up with lots of ice!
I have found that, during this pregnancy, ice water seems to help slightly. I can't go anywhere without a glass. I always have one in the car with me. I have a glass of ice water when I go to church or any store. My trips to the library are brief enough that I can leave the water in the car. All that liquidy cold goodness seems to stave off the nausea just a little bit. At least while I am in the act of drinking. I have not thrown up once right after downing a good bit of water. It also helps a lot once you do throw up to neutralize the acidity of vomit. I know that more because what happens when I haven't been drinking enough than when I do. But anyway - it can't hurt (other than if your access to a restroom is limited), there are no calories, sugar, etc. Just good all around. However, I have found that it MUST be a GLASS with ICE. None of that bottled junk for me. It just isn't cold enough.
lemon slice optional

Thursday, August 19, 2010

La Cucaracha

So I was all giddy about my discovery that running and working up a sweat just might stave off the morning (afternoon and night) sickness. Just as soon as had I posted the last post and walked into the kitchen, BAM! it hit me again. Hey! Excellent time to test out my theory that running across the house would keep the vomiting at bay. Even though aforementioned bathroom was empty, I decided to dash up to my bedroom. I hadn't even crested the stairs and realized that my theory was folly
Or was it?
I quickly entered the bathroom and grabbed the trash can and as I prepared to have the rest of my meal leave me, I was able to pause and spy a cockroach on my bathroom floor

I grabbed the shoe that I had strategically placed in the bathroom and proceeded to chase the cockroach all around the floor beating with all my might as I did so. After about a dozen thrashings, I finally got it. I suddenly realized, I no longer had the urge to hurl. Just the one time (when I was on the stairs) and that was it. I think I might break out the Billy Blanks DVD and have it on the ready for such emergencies

Running and working up a sweat - more than just excercise

I had the strange sensation today of wanting to throw up and not doing so! It was amazing! And I do believe the circumstances around this phenomena is what triggered such a reaction.
Not to brag, but I have a big house. It's not fancy or anything, just big and sprawling. And different - one side (we call it the new side) was an addition built in the 80's/90's (no one is really sure - not even the gentleman who helped build the addition) for an aging mother in law. So I was in the new side and felt it coming on and realized one of my children was in the only bathroom on the new side.

So I broke into a run and started towards the old side of the house (built around 1895 and it actually used to be a barn - actually as many locals would correct me - the carriage house for the Lithia Springs hotel {fyi : here and picture here})
and sprinted up the stairs - yes all 16 of them

to my bathroom.
And once I got there - poised on the toilet with trash can in hand (told you it was icky and yucky) I couldn't throw up.
I was amazed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I don't know if I should go running through the house once I feel the urge to hurl, but I just might.