Normally I write about icky stuff I am experiencing at the moment. But recently I have been thinking about icky stuff to come. Like colic. I have never really experienced a baby with colic. But my parents have gone on and on about how colicy I was, so I am guessing my number is just about up. One of the blogs I read highlighted this book:
I borrowed it from my library and I love it! It all seems very simple to follow. I got to hold a newborn today and even though she wasn't fussy at all, I held her close and kept her as bundled as I could without re-wrapping her. She stayed clam the entire time. Not that she would have broken out in a fit anyway, but it sure felt good to hold her close and know that at least one M.D. out there totally endorsed such an action.
The book is very easy to read. I am almost half way through it already. I am sure I will finish it before I even have to renew it.
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